Bible Wonderland
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Bible Wonderland
Jesus and the 10 Lepers

This story can be found in Luke 17:11-19

Jesus was going into a village one day when he heard shouting from a distance.

It was a group of people who had Leprosy.

In those days, anyone who had a very severe skin infection was banned from being with family and friends - in case they infected others.

They were called "lepers" and EVERYONE avoided them!

These poor Lepers shouted, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!" And, of course, Jesus listened to them and had pity on them.

He told them to go and show themselves to the Priests. Now this was a bit strange, because usually the only reason for someone with Leprosy to go to the Priests was because they had been CURED of their Leprosy.

But the 10 men did as Jesus told them - and that was a smart move... because as they went on their way... they were cured!

No more nasty disease!

They could go back to their family and friends and get on with their lives!

When one of the men saw that his disease was gone... he ran back to thank Jesus. But the other 9 didn't.
And that one man wasn’t even one of Jesus countrymen.

He was a foreigner - but he alone knew it was right and proper to give thanks to the one who had saved him!

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